Equestrian Coaches Workshop @ Next Level Equestrian, Lockwood South Victoria



Sporting success only comes when you work as a team and the horse training is only one part of the overall success.

"No sporting team has ever succeeded by focusing on one part of the team and neglecting the other."

My purpose is to provide a safe, supportive and open-minded environment for coaches of all levels, where they can gain more understanding on rider position and mindset coaching. This workshop is designed to increase your understanding on how much the rider’s seat and mind influence the horses training. 

“I don’t want you to abandon what you already know but rather add to your existing knowledge."


In this Workshop you will learn how to identify common rider position problems, how the rider’s position affects the horse and how to correct the positional faults.


In this Workshop you will receive training on how to deal with the rider’s emotional issues and be able to understand and support your students better.

The Workshop:

  • will be run with demonstration riders in an open minded and supportive environment.
  • is suitable for all coaches from trainees, PC coaches to EA level 3 and coach educators.
  • qualifies for 2 EA Update points.


"I finished a full day with Tanja Mitton learning how to be a better coach and develop my eye for the small changes that she sees. It was a brilliant day with Tanja giving wonderful insight into the process of assessing and diagnosing the source of a riders tension. I took 3 pages of notes. If you have the chance to ride or watch any of Tanja lessons I highly encourage you to take the opportunity. Thank you Tanja Mitton."- David Mellor.

Wednesday 9TH April 2025 8AM - 4.30PM

COST $245 PP 


Cnr Bendigo Maldon Road & McGlashans Road, Lockwood South, Victoria 

Email tanjamitton@icloud.com or call 0419 891 319 for more information. 

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